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New Marquette Law School Poll Shows Sagging Approval Ratings for Statewide Office Holders

November 23, 2021 12:17 PM | Deleted user

On November 3, Marquette Law School released a new poll that surveyed Wisconsin registered voters on their opinions of various national and statewide elected officials, as well as views related to the coronavirus pandemic.

In this poll, statewide elected officials had fairly low approval ratings. Among statewide elected officials, Governor Tony Evers has the highest favorable rating of 42%. However, he also had an unfavorable rating of 45%, while 13% didn’t know enough about him or don’t have an opinion. Notably, 53% approve of Governor Evers’ handling of the pandemic, while 40% disapprove.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) has the next-highest approval rating, with 38% of Wisconsin registered voters approving of her performance, 39% disapproving, and 22% did not have an opinion. Wisconsin’s other U.S. Senator – Republican Ron Johnson, had a 36% approval rating, a 42% disapproval rating, and 22% of surveyed voters didn’t know enough about him or didn’t not have an opinion.

The poll also asked several questions regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Here are the results:

  • Overall, 55% support school mask mandates, while 40% oppose them.
  • 48% support the federal mandate that require employees of larger businesses (100 or more employees) to either get vaccinated or face weekly testing. 48% of respondents opposed it.
  • 74% of Wisconsin registered voters said they have received at least one dose of a vaccine, 23% said that they have not been vaccinated, and 3% declined to answer.
  • 62% of respondents claimed they are fully vaccinated, although CDC data shows that 66% of Wisconsinites are fully vaccinated.
  • Out of those surveyed who are unvaccinated, 56% said they will not get the vaccine and 18% said they will probably not get it.

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