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DHS Announces Electronic Visit Verification Announces Hard Launch Date

June 28, 2024 9:10 AM | Account Administrator (Administrator)

In late May, the state Department of Health Services (DHS) announced that the electronic visit verification (EVV) hard launch begins on October 1, 2024.  The following service codes are impacted:

  • Home health care services (service codes 92507, 97139, 97799, 99504, 99600, S9123, S9124, T1001, T1021, T1502)
  • Personal care nurse supervisory visits (service code 99509)

As you are likely aware, the federal government is requiring the hard launch of EVV in Wisconsin as a condition of the state receiving its full allocation of Medicaid funding. 

If your home health agency has not yet started to implement EVV, WiAHC strongly recommends that such agencies start the process immediately as the implementation process may take longer than expected.  Please note that DHS is able to provide assistance with implementation.  Wisconsin EVV customer service may be reached Monday through Friday, from 7:00AM – 6:00PM (Central Time) at 1-833-931-2035 or via email at  Also, there is additional information regarding EVV implementation on the DHS website, including an online “Key Conversation” that DHS will hold on July 15 from 1:00PM – 2:00PM (Central Time) to answer questions. 

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