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Governor's Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce Finalizes Recommendations

September 24, 2024 12:22 PM | Account Administrator (Administrator)

On August 15, the Governor’s Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce held its final public meeting, during which it approved the following recommendations. These recommendations will be submitted to the Governor for potential inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2025-2027 budget request that he will submit to the Legislature in early 2025.

  • Education and Training
    • Support faculty who teach health professions.
      • Expand the faculty workforce to increase schools’ capacity to enroll students.
  • Strengthen clinical training and experience.
    • Expand access to clinical training and other hands-on experiences to help students complete the requirements to pursue healthcare occupations.
  • Reduce barriers to training.
    • Address the significant personal and professional costs of education to help Wisconsinites pursue and advance in healthcare careers.
  • Expand apprenticeships and other learning opportunities.
    • Expand apprenticeships and early learning opportunities to help increase the pool of healthcare workers.
  • Recruitment and Retention
    • Increase payer support for recruitment and retention.
      • Increase funding provided through Medicaid and other payers to help employers boost provider compensation.
  • Foster recruitment and retention in areas of need.
    • Encourage health professionals to practice in underserved communities across the state through state-sponsored incentive programs.
  • Support regional innovation.
    • Invest in regional collaboration to help employers, schools, and other partners address local workforce challenges.
  • Regulatory Policy
    • Support expanded pathways to licensure.
      • Expand licensure pathways to keep patients safe while encouraging workforce participation among qualified professionals.
  • Strengthen state capacity to support licensure.
    • Increase support for the state’s licensing agency to help health professionals gain the necessary licenses and credentials.
  • Strengthen workforce monitoring and support.
    • Invest in workforce monitoring and support to help the state’s licensing agency work with medical professionals to sustain workforce participation.

For further details, the full report (75 pages) may be viewed on the DHS website.

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