The RELI Group, along with its partners TMF Health Quality Institute and CGS, is contracted with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to develop, produce and disseminate provider-specific comparative data reports, referred to as the Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report, or PEPPER. PEPPER summarizes one provider’s Medicare claims data statistics and provides comparative data with the state, jurisdiction and nation. Providers can review the PEPPER to evaluate their statistics and determine whether they should take any actions, such as reviewing records to ensure the care provided was necessary, and that documentation supports the diagnosis codes and services billed.
We would like to encourage providers to access this free comparative billing report and utilize it as a tool to support their auditing and monitoring efforts. With that in mind, would you consider sharing the one page summary (attached), electronically via e-mail or newsletter, with your membership?
TMF Health Quality Institute
563 Carter Court, Suite BKimberly, WI 54136Phone: 920-560-5632 | Fax: