Each news article below shows only part of the news story. To view the full story, click on Read More below the story.
WiAHC recently established an exciting new legislative awards program to recognize and thank state lawmakers who showed support for policies that advance home health care in Wisconsin and are aligned with WiAHC’s mission.
Going forward, WiAHC legislative awards will be given out every two years, following the end of each legislative session and will be broken down into two different award categories: 1) Champion of Home Health Care and 2) Friend of Home Health Care
The selection process for lawmakers receiving a WiAHC legislative awards is based on several factors, including bills authored and co-sponsored, responsiveness to WiAHC issues, voting record on legislation important to WiAHC, and legislative leadership and key committee positions.
Furthermore, legislators who who display exceptional support of WiAHC and home health care in Wisconsin are eligible for recognition as a Champion of Home Health Care. Legislators who display general support of WiAHC and home health care in Wisconsin are eligible for recognition as a
Friend of Home Health Care.
With that in mind, WiAHC is pleased to announce the following legislative award recipients for 2022:
Champion of Home Health Care:
Check your inbox… You recently revied an email from WiAHC with a link to our Legislative and Regulatory Priorities Survey that provides you – and every WiAHC member across the state –a great opportunity to provide your input on what policy issues are most important to you, your organization, and the Wisconsin home health care industry. The purpose of surveying the membership is to help association leadership develop the WiAHC policy agenda and determine what legislative and regulatory issues the organization should make a priority in 2023-2024.
The survey, which will be left open through Monday, June 6, only takes a few minutes to complete and will collect valuable information used to help shape WiAHC’s advocacy priorities moving forward.
The survey results will be presented to the WiAHC Legislative Committee and Board for further consideration. In addition to the member survey data, WiAHC leadership will consider the following criteria when finalizing the association’s policy agenda and issue priorities: 1.) The benefit to WiAHC members; 3.) The extent to which it will improve home health care in Wisconsin; and 3.) The likelihood of legislative/regulatory success.
Once the WiAHC Board finalizes the policy agenda and issue priorities for 2023-2024, it will be presented to the full membership and used by the WiAHC Government Affairs team to guide our advocacy efforts over the next two years.
We value your input and encourage you to complete and submit the brief survey as soon possible.
By Hoven Consulting – WiAHC’s lobbying firm
WiAHC members are now reporting that they are finally receiving the following long-awaited payment increases from the state Department of Health Services (DHS): (1) the skilled nursing services payment increase included in the 2021-2023 state budget and (2) the additional five percent Medicaid reimbursement rate for home and community-based services, which was funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). In particular, DHS informed WiAHC on May 16 that they implemented these rate increases on April 29, 2022, for claims submitted on or after that date with a date of service of January 1, 2022, or after. The agency is now processing adjustments for claims they received before April 29, 2022. The processing of these delayed payments is a result of the WiAHC government affairs team’s advocacy before the state Department of Health Services (DHS).
If your home health agency has submitted such claims to DHS and has not received payment increases, please contact WiAHC Madison lobbyist Tim Hoven at tim@hovenconsulting.com or (414) 305-2011.
As of April 5, 2022, the Department of Health Services implemented a real-time prior Medicaid authorization review and approval process for personal care services for Medicaid recipients who are 21 and older, as well as physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech and language pathology for Medicare recipients who are younger than six. Once such a request is submitted to DHS, one of two things will occur: (1) it will be approved automatically or (2) it will be reviewed manually. While such a request could be denied after a manual review, a request will not be denied during the real-time review.
According to media reports, DHS is considering expanding real-time prior Medicaid authorization to other areas where prior authorization is needed.
On Monday, May 16, the state Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) unveiled its new online occupational credentialing portal – which is called “LicensE”. This will replace their paper-based occupational credentialing application process. At this time, most initial occupational credential applications in the health care field – including physicians, physician assistants, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses – will now need to be submitted via this portal. The list of initial license applications that transitioned to LicensE on May 16 may be viewed here. License renewals and other initial credential applications will move to the LicensE portal at a later time.
On April 27, Marquette Law School released a new poll that surveyed Wisconsinites on their opinions of various national and statewide elected officials, as well as candidates for statewide office.
o U.S. Senate Election – Democratic Primary
With respect to those voters who intend to vote in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s seat, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes was the leading candidate with 19 percent, Alex Lasry followed with 16 percent, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski polled at seven percent, while Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson followed with five percent. The other candidates received one percent or less, while 48 percent of Democratic primary voters have not decided whom they will support.
o Gubernatorial Election – Republican Primary
In this poll, former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch led her primary rivals with 32 percent of Republicans selecting her, former U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson polled at 10 percent and four percent selected State Representative Tim Ramthun. However, 46 percent of these voters responded that they did not know whom they will support in the Republican primary. This poll did not ask about recently announced Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels, as this poll was conducted between April 19-24 – before he entered the race.
o Current Elected Officials – Approval/Favorability Ratings
At this time, Governor Tony Evers leads in popularity among elected statewide officials with 49 percent approving and 43 disapproving. President Biden has a 43 percent approval rating and a 53 percent disapproval rating. With respect to Wisconsin’s two U.S. Senators, 43 percent of poll respondents have a favorable view of Senator Tammy Baldwin and 36 percent have an unfavorable view, while 36 percent of poll respondents have a favorable view of Senator Ron Johnson and 46 have an unfavorable view of him.
o State Legislature Approval Rating
In addition, the poll asked about views of the state legislature. Poll respondents gave the state legislature a 38 percent approval rating and a 47 percent disapproval rating.
Grassroots advocacy is the most powerful tool WiAHC has at its disposal to shape public policy and building relationships with lawmakers is the most important aspect of advocacy. In effort to capitalize on our greatest advocacy resource – our membership – WiAHC has unveiled our Coffee Conversations with Legislators advocacy program.
The initiative is designed to help connect members with their local legislators. Under the program, the WiAHC Government Affairs Team will set-up in-district meetings between WiAHC members and state lawmakers who represent them in the Legislature. These meetings, which can be located at your facility, or a local coffee shop provides a tremendous opportunity for WiAHC members to build or strengthen their relationships with local legislators and to educate them on home health care and on policy issues important to home health care professionals and their patients.
Obviously, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can make it difficult for some in-person meetings, but as cases decline and depending on your comfort level with meeting face-to-face, WiAHC would encourage you to participate in this critical grassroots advocacy program.
Please click here for more information on the program. Please contact the WiAHC office at wiahc@badgerbay.co if you’re interested in participating.
WiAHC is happy to remind members about and provide links to the latest articles and information from Home Health Care News and the National Association for Home Care and Hospice:
· Home Care Providers Take Note as Medicare Advantage Grows, Creates Savings for Seniors
Home Health Care News - By Joyce Famakinwa | April 23, 2022
Compared to fee-for-service Medicare, seniors save close to $2,000 on average in total annual health care spending with Medicare Advantage (MA). That’s according to a new study — based on 2019 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey data — from Better Medicare Alliance. The study features an analysis conducted by the Washington, D.C.-based research and consulting firm ATI Advisory. Read more…
· Home-Based Care Stakeholders Break Down ‘Uncertain’ Legislative, Regulatory Landscapes
With more eyes than ever on home-based care, there are a number of legislative and regulatory developments that will be critical for providers to stay on top of. For providers like Help at Home, which is working in the Medicaid space along with private pay, the short-term gains have been apparent. Read more…
· What Innovative States Are Doing to Recruit, Retain Workers in Home-Based Care
Home Health Care News - By Patrick Filbin | April 12, 2022
Several states around the country are taking unique measures to combat the direct care workforce crisis in home-based care. And it would benefit other states and agencies to follow suit, according to a new report from PHI. Read more…
· Bipartisan Push in Congress to Make Medicare Enrollment Easier
National Association for Home Care and Hospice | April 25, 2022
Legislation has recently been introduced that would work to improve the Medicare enrollment process for individuals nearing Medicare eligibility, aged 60-64. Longtime home care champions Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Todd Young (R-IN) are leading the charge for the Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification 2.0 (BENES 2.0) Act, (S. 2675). BENES 2.0 continues the theme of the original BENES Act, many provisions of which became law in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, in supporting individuals in their Medicare enrollment process. Read more…
· HHS to Provide $110 Million in HCBS for Seniors & Disabled
National Association for Home Care and Hospice | April 20, 2022
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it will offer more than $110 million to expand access to home and community-based services (HCBS) through Medicaid’s Money Follows the Person (MFP) program. Read more…
Home Health Care News, which is part of the Aging Media Network, is a leading source for news and information covering the home health industry. National Association for Home Care and Hospice is the largest professional association representing the interests of chronically ill, disabled, and dying Americans of all ages and the caregivers who provide them with in-home health and hospice services.
The Wisconsin Legislature has adjourned for the 2021-21 and does not plan to reconvene until next year. Although the session is over, WiAHC members can review the WiAHC Legislative Bill Tracker to look back at what happened in the halls of the State Capitol. The bill tracker lists and allows members to follow and learn more about the bills WiAHC lobbied on and monitored during the 2021-22 legislative session. The Bill Tracker, which you can find below, includes the bill number, a brief description of the bill, its final status, and WiAHC’s position on the proposal.
· Bill: Assembly Bill 215 / Senate Bill 230
· Description: Relating to visitation of a long-term care facility resident or hospital patient by an essential visitor or member of the clergy.
· Status: Failed to pass this session.
· WiAHC Position: Support
· Bill: Assembly Bill 679 / Senate Bill 687
· Description: Relating to hospital services provided in a home setting.
· Status: AB 679 was passed by the full Assembly and Senate. The governor has signed the bill into law as 2021 WI Act 208.
· WiAHC Position: Currently Neutral/Actively Monitoring
· Bill: Assembly Bill 718 / Senate Bill 753
· Description: Relating to prohibiting certain practices relating to insurance coverage of clinician-administered drugs (“white bagging” legislation).
· Bill: Assembly Bill 729 / Senate Bill 700
· Description: Relating to modifying administrative rules related to home health agencies.
· Status: AB 729 was passed by the full Assembly on 02/23/22. It was not considered by the full Senate. Failed to pass this session.
· Bill: Assembly Bill 960/ Senate Bill 970
· Description: Increases criminal penalties for battery or threat to a health care provider or staff member of a health care facility.
· Status: AB 960 was passed by the full Assembly and Senate. The governor has signed the bill into law as 2021 WI Act 209.
· WiAHC Position:Support
· Status: AB 1030 was passed by the full Assembly and Senate. The governor has signed the bill into law as 2021 WI Act 208.
Governor Signs Several Health Care Bills of Interest to WiAHC
In April, Governor Evers signed a number of bills that passed both chambers of the legislature earlier this year. The following is a list of these bills of interest to WiAHC:
Rep. Donna Rozar (R-Marshfield) introduced Assembly Bill 729 and Sen. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) introduced the Senate companion bill (Senate Bill 700) at the request of WiAHC. This legislation brings Wisconsin’s home health regulations in line with federal regulations by eliminating home health care professional advisory bodies but maintaining governing bodies. Assembly Bill 729 passed the Assembly in late February. The Senate Labor and Regulatory Reform Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 700 in January. Unfortunately, however, it did not pass the full Senate before the end of the 2021-2022 legislative session. In the meantime, the WiAHC Legislative Committee is exploring alternative options to make this change through the regulatory process at the state Department of Health Services (DHS) and has requested an initial meeting with the appropriate DHS staff. We will provide updates regarding these efforts in future WiAHC monthly newsletters.
DHS Payment Increase Delays – Update
As of mid-April, WiAHC members have reported that they have not received either the skilled nursing services payment increase included in the 2021-2023 state budget or the additional five percent Medicaid reimbursement rate for home and community-based services, which was funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). As such, WiAHC followed up with the state Department of Health Services (DHS) to request a specific timeline for the issuance of these increased payments. DHS informed WiAHC that any claims that home health agencies submit to DHS after April 29, 2022, will be paid out at the higher amounts. If a home health agency submitted such a claim before the end of April 2022, DHS will make appropriate adjustments internally to increase such payments – DHS anticipates that they will send out such payments during the week of May 9, 2022.
In addition, please let WiAHC know if there are any specific home health care providers that are at risk of closure due to these delayed payments. If so, WiAHC will make DHS aware of this and they will attempt to expedite processing.
Proposed Legislative Council Study Committees
After the legislative session concludes in even-numbered years, the Legislative Council - the legislature's in-house, non-partisan group of attorney advisors - organizes study committees that perform in-depth reviews of various state policy matters facing Wisconsin. Committees are comprised of both legislators and citizen members.
Study committees hold hearings, during which they hear public testimony – including from subject-matter experts – on state policies that may need to be fixed or updated. Once a committee has completed receiving public testimony, it generally drafts legislation for possible introduction and consideration by the legislature. In mid-April, the list of study committees was finalized. The following proposed study committees may be of interest to WiAHC:
o Sen. Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond) will be the Chair and Rep. Shae Sortwell (R-Two Rivers) will be the Vice Chair.
o Sen. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) will be the Chair and Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) will be the Vice Chair.
The state Department of Health Services (DHS) is thinking ahead to addressing electronic visit verification (EVV) with respect to home health services. At this time, DHS's goal is to have a "soft launch" of home health EVV in January 2023. As such, DHS has organized a group of external stakeholders to provide input. Their intent is that this group of stakeholders would ultimately turn into their EVV Advisory Workgroup for Home Health. At the request of DHS, several WiAHC representatives have attended a few initial meetings of this group. We will provide updates about the work of this group in future WiAHC monthly newsletters.
The state Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) will temporarily stop accepting initial applications for 72 types of occupational credentials starting at 12:00PM on Friday, April 29, and ending at 11:59PM on Sunday, May 15. The list of such credentials may be viewed on the DSPS website and mostly includes professionals in the health care field, including physicians, physician assistants, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses.
This temporary blackout period will be put in place to allow DSPS to implement its new online occupational credentialing portal, which will replace its current paper application process. This new portal will be unveiled on Monday, May 16.
By State Senator Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point)
As chair of the Senate Committee on Health, I’ve had the opportunity to work with my colleagues and stakeholders to advance several bills that improve access to quality health care in Wisconsin. One way to increase access is to address workforce needs; that’s why Rep. Rachel Cabral-Guevara (Appleton) and I authored legislation that eliminates barriers limiting the practice of Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). By empowering professionals to utilize the full extent of their skillset and training, we free them to provide additional help to more people. We advanced this bill through the committee, it passed both houses of the legislature, and now needs only the Governor’s signature to become law.
The committee also advanced legislation that I authored with Rep. Todd Novak (Dodgeville) that improves access by investing in community health centers. There are seventeen community health centers with nearly 200 satellite sites operating in every corner of the state and serving over 300,000 Wisconsinites. The legislation we passed through the committee served as a catalyst to help secure increased funding for these centers in the 2021-23 state budget.
The pandemic revealed obstacles standing between patients and care that we needed to remove. Last session, the legislature allowed hospitals to seek Medicare reimbursement for numerous medical services provided in a home setting. This session, the committee moved forward legislation authored by Sen. Dale Kooyenga (Brookfield) and Rep. Amy Loudenbeck (Clinton) to make that change permanent. The bill was enacted this week.
In addition to improving access to quality care, the Senate Committee on Health also continued to combat the state’s opioid crisis. Until now, Wisconsin has had several state agencies collecting data on opioid and methamphetamine use, but no central location where it can be stored and analyzed. I authored a bill with Rep. Jon Plumer (Lodi) that will ensure this data will be gathered in a central location so that the state can get a more comprehensive picture of the problem and new ways to fight it. Rep. Plumer and I also wrote legislation that determines how money from the settlement of the multi-district opioid litigation is distributed throughout the state, ensuring that the majority of the settlement go to local governments to bolster their efforts to battle against these drugs. Both of these bills started the legislative process in the Senate Health Committee and have now become law.
We’ve made progress, but the work is not done yet. I enjoy working with health care leaders across the state to enhance health outcomes in Wisconsin.
Senator Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point) serves as Chairman of the Senate Health Committee. He represents the 24th Senate District, which includes Portage County and portions of Wood, Monroe, and Jackson counties. The district also includes the cites of Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Tomah, and Sparta. He is currently running for Wisconsin Lt. Governor.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of this organization.
Sign-up for WiAHC’s Coffee Conversations with Legislators Program
Please click here for more information on the program.
563 Carter Court, Suite BKimberly, WI 54136Phone: 920-560-5632 | Fax: 920-882-3655wiahc@badgerbay.co