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  • October 28, 2020 8:09 AM | Deleted user

    The Electronic Visit Verification Portal Functionality User Guide was recently revised and posted to the ForwardHealth Portal on October 27, 2020. The worker electronic visit verification start date information in the Worker Association section of the user guide has been updated.

    ForwardHealth user guides and instruction sheets provide users with step-by-step instructions on navigating specific Portal functionality; they do not contain policy information. For complete ForwardHealth policies and procedures, please refer to the Online Handbook on the Portal.

  • October 20, 2020 4:20 PM | Deleted user

    The RELI Group, along with its partners TMF Health Quality Institute and CGS, is contracted with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to develop, produce and disseminate provider-specific comparative data reports, referred to as the Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report, or PEPPER. PEPPER summarizes one provider’s Medicare claims data statistics and provides comparative data with the state, jurisdiction and nation.  Providers can review the PEPPER to evaluate their statistics and determine whether they should take any actions, such as reviewing records to ensure the care provided was necessary, and that documentation supports the diagnosis codes and services billed.

    We would like to encourage providers to access this free comparative billing report and utilize it as a tool to support their auditing and monitoring efforts.  With that in mind, would you consider sharing the one page summary (attached), electronically via e-mail or newsletter, with your membership? 

    TMF Health Quality Institute

  • October 20, 2020 4:18 PM | Deleted user

    TODAY is the beginning of early and in-person voting here in Wisconsin. Be sure to bring an ID and double check your local voting hours at before you go. Find more about voting safely at @WIPublicHealth #VoteSafeWI2020

  • October 14, 2020 2:49 PM | Deleted user

    National Association for Home Care & Hospice

    APPLY NOW or pass it on to a worthy candidate!

    November is National Home Care Month, a special time to recognize and celebrate the practice of home care and all of the individuals who make it possible. The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) is excited to partner with CellTrak to award deserving home care aides with the opportunity to pursue their educational goals and advance their careers.

    Read Full Article

  • October 14, 2020 10:39 AM | Deleted user

    TODAY is the last day to register to vote online. You can then receive your ballot by mail or vote early in the upcoming election! Voting absentee and returning by mail or drop-off is the best way to exercise your right to vote while also staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Register and request your absentee ballot here:

    Find more about voting safely at @WIPublicHealth #VoteSafeWI2020

  • October 07, 2020 4:00 PM | Deleted user

    The 2020 Home Care and Hospice Conference and Expo is a virtual conference taking place October 19-21. There are more than 30 education sessions, general sessions and keynotes, as well as daily roundtable discussion and more than 30 sessions available on-demand in the Learning Lab and Wellness Lobby. The conference theme is Our Health: Caring for the Caregiver, and the featured keynote speaker is Leon Logothetis of Netflix’s The Kindness Diaries. Learn more and register for the conference at, and use the discount code NAHC2020WI to get $100 off your registration (discount can only be used for new registrations).

  • October 07, 2020 2:47 PM | Deleted user

    The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has launched a newsletter to explain electronic visit verification in a clear and conversational way. The first issue contains information about the provider and worker identification processes and getting ready for Day 1 of EVV. Further issues of Your Key to EVV will be posted to the newsletter’s library page.

  • October 07, 2020 9:00 AM | Deleted user

    The conference will be a mix of live presentations and recordings. On Tuesday, November 3, the conference kicks off with live presentations featuring:

    William A. Dombi, Esq.
    National Association for Home Care & Hospice

    Silvia Munoz-Price, MD, PhD
    Enterprise Epidemiologist, Professor of Medicine
    Department of Medicine-Division of Infectious Diseases Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin

    M. Aaron Little, CPA
    Managing Director

    Register today!

    Full session list coming soon!

  • October 07, 2020 8:48 AM | Deleted user

    Our organization has joined the Vote Safe Wisconsin 2020 Coalition! We are committed to sharing with our community partners about encouraging safe voting! We encourage you to vote absentee, early, or with a mask and social distance at the polls! Join us and learn more:

  • September 30, 2020 3:35 PM | Deleted user

    As many political spectators say, campaign season ramps up after Labor Day. Candidates are in a sprint to the finish just over six weeks to go until the November 3 general election. We issued an initial election outlook in June. After a summer of social unrest in cities across the country, an ongoing pandemic, and two national political conventions, one thing remains certain: voter preferences have not changed significantly since June.

    Presidential Election Analysis

    A Marquette University Law School poll from September 9 shows Democrat and former Vice President Joe Biden holds a four-point lead over Republican incumbent President Donald Trump in Wisconsin. A Washington Post poll from September 16 shows Biden holds a six-point lead in the state. Biden has held a four to six point in nearly every statewide poll since May. With neither candidate able to gain any ground, this could indicate a lack of a substantial set of swing voters in the state.

    Discouraging to the Trump campaign, the President’s approval ratings in Wisconsin have consistently been below 50 percent while his disapproval ratings have consistently exceeded 50 percent in the Marquette University Law School polls this election season.

    In a somewhat different take on gauging support for candidates, the September 9 poll asked participants if they believe each candidate cares about people like them. 41 percent said they believe Donald Trump cares about people like them, versus 56 percent who said he does not. Conversely, 48 percent said they believe Joe Biden cares about people like them, versus 45 percent who said he does not.

    State Legislative Races

    Meanwhile, in the state legislative races, it seems to be a tale of two houses. Assembly Republicans are playing more defense to protect current members while Senate Republicans are able to go on offense to try pick up some seats. While it is likely the Republicans will maintain majorities in both houses, insiders will be watching so see how many seats the Assembly Republicans may lose and how many the Senate Republicans may gain.

    State Assembly Election Analysis

    There are several somewhat vulnerable Republican Assembly seats in western Wisconsin. These include the 51st District held by Todd Novak, the 96th District held by Loren Oldenburg, and the 50th District held by Tony Kurtz. However, these are seats Republicans traditionally expect to be contested and defend in campaign cycles.

    This year, Assembly Republicans are also focusing their attention on defending seats in higher population areas in the Milwaukee suburbs and Green Bay area. Polling nationally has found that suburban women who have traditionally supported Republicans do not support Donald Trump. Should enough of that demographic abandon not just Trump but Republicans in general, that could spell problems for some suburban Republicans in relatively vulnerable seats. In particular, considerable efforts are being made to hold on to the 13th District held by Rob Hutton, the 24th District held by Dan Knodl, and 23rd District held by Jim Ott.

    Assembly Republicans currently hold a 27-seat majority, 63 to 36 seats. Even if they lose five to seven seats, they still maintain control of the Assembly. At this point, it seems likely they may lose a handful of seats. However, in 2018, many expected Assembly Democrats to flip several seats and they won just one in the Milwaukee suburbs, which was an open race.

    State Senate Election Analysis

    In contrast, Senate Republicans, who held 19 of the 33 Senate seats in the 2019-2020 legislative session are aiming to pick-up three seats. Doing so would provide them with 22 seats, enough to override any vetoes from Democratic Governor Tony Evers. A veto-proof majority in the State Senate would spell serious problems for the Evers Administration.

    In the open 30th Senate District in Green Bay, Democrat Jonathan Hansen is facing off against Republican Eric Wimberger. Both are political newcomers. The seat is being vacated by Democrat Senator Dave Hansen, who held the seat since 2000.

    Looking at the performance of Republican presidential candidates in the last two elections, Romney lost the 30th Senate District with 47.7% of the vote and Trump won it with 55.6%. If Trump performs well in Green Bay again, then it is conceivable Wimberger could win the district.

    The open 32nd Senate District is also a possible pick-up for Republicans. Former State Senator and Republican Dan Kapanke is running against former Secretary-designee of the Department of Agriculture, Tradem and Consumer Protection and Democrat Brad Pfaff.

    The seat was left open following the resignation of Democratic Senator Jennifer Shilling, who narrowly defeated Kapanke in 2016. While the 32nd Senate District in LaCrosse is typically a strong Democrat district, Trump did significantly better than Romney. Should Trump increase support in the LaCrosse area, Kapanke may have a chance.

    Finally, political spectators are also keeping a close eye on the 10th Senate District in northwest Wisconsin, which is held by Democrat Patty Schachtner. Schachtner handily won the seat by 10-percentage points in special election in 2018. Schachtner is running against current area Republican State Representative Rob Stafsholt.

    Republicans currently hold all three Assembly seats that comprise the Senate district, and Trump won the district with 55.6% of the vote in 2016. Again, Stasholt’s success may rely on the district’s support for Trump.

    With the Office of the President being the only statewide race on the ballot, success for Democrats and Republicans in the state legislature could rely solely on attitudes in the presidential race.

    However, while Wisconsin is considered one of the foremost battle ground states this year and Biden leads Trump in recent polling, the vast majority of Democratic voters reside in Milwaukee County and Dane County (Madison). Democrats already hold the legislative seats in these two areas. The reality of how voters are distributed in the state lends itself to the possibility that the Democratic nominee for president wins the state and legislative Republicans return with large majorities again.

    Stay tuned for developments in what is sure to be an eventful fall.

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